On Thursday 14th June, our Head of Client Services Hannah Meadows arrived at the office laden with cupcakes. I’d like to say that this is something that happens every Thursday, although it’s probably a good thing that this was a one off!
Hannah is often involved in fundraising for Alzheimer’s Society and Thursday was Cupcake Day; we’re more than happy to help support her work (especially when it involves cake).
About Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society is an incredibly important charity, doing vital work in the fight against Dementia. They help to support people with Dementia (as well as their families and friends), run a national dementia helpline, and run a research programme to help ease problems for current Dementia sufferers and find a cure in the future. All in all, its quite humbling stuff.
Cupcake Day 2018
So, as mentioned, Hannah came laden with cakes – all of which had been made the evening before with help from her mum – they are cupcake making machines! We had chocolate and banana, lemon drizzle, Victoria sponge, chocolate sponge, and cherry Bakewell. I can confirm, they were all delicious!
We also played lots of cupcake related games, and had a fantastic day raising money for the charity.
We managed to raise £150 – which for a team of ten isn’t bad at all! We hope that this will go a little way towards helping fund research and we’re looking forward to our next event in support of Alzheimer’s Society.
Thanks Hannah!